
April 17, 2015

The Law Of Attraction



Law Of Attraction claims: whatever we intensely believe that becomes our reality.

 Our success in life and in business is directly related to our beliefs - that is the Law of Attraction. We all use the Law of Attraction - LOA - in our everyday life, but majority of people do not realize it, do not understand that and they miss out how to use it for to get whatever they want and desire. Our thoughts and feelings affect our reality. 

 Law of Attraction says that to what we give our focus, our attention and energy, that we attract into our lives. No difference do we want it or not. Simple meaning - what on we focus our attention that is what we receive. It is not just a saying or claim, it has been alraedy proved to be the most powerful universal principle, affecting changes in the life. If our thoughts are negative, then we attract negative things. If we feel positive things and fill our mind with positive thoughts, then we can expect to happen positive things.

Our beliefs, feelings, thoughts, ideas – all that make us who we are now, and if we change all it from negative to positive, we will be able
 to change ourselves for the better.

We attract what we are.

personal-development Law of Attraction is helping many people to create wealth in their lives many years alraedy since the creation of our Universe. Unfortunately there are also many people who stuck in achieving their goals because they live with negative emotions and have limited beliefs.  

Look into your life - how you live right now, everything you have attracted into your life: the good and the bad things, and even ugly things. All humans have strange complex machine - subconscious - it takes things very literally. If you focus y our thoughts and desires on wanting to become millionaire then your subconscious will deliver your wish exactly that you want - you will become nothing more than a person who always wants to be a millionaire, but never will become a one of the millionaires! 

We must be very carefully how we communicate with our subconscious, what the desires we forward to it. We always should use only the present time: "I am a millionaire", not "I want become a millionaire".

This is the way how our subconscious works and attracts things we need and wish. We must make our mind to think the way that we are the persons who have already achieved what we wanted. 
Most people still do not realize how their thoughts are powerful, and that they attract every event, circumstance into their lives.


We will only get what we truly desire in life!

Ask. Believe. Receive. 



personal-development We must know what we want and make a command to the Universe. The Universe can't deliver it to us without knowing what we want to have manifested into our life. This means we should be very clear about what we really want. Asking for what we want is the first active step of creation. How to do it? Get a paper and write down your wish how you would like your life to be. Write your desires in the present time, like you already have what you are asking for. After you give your command to the Universe,  it begin the creation process for you. 



We have to believe that what we are asking for will become ours, like it already belongs to us. We must see the things we want already are ours now! All doubts should be pushed away. Your thoughts about failure will mess up delivery.

For instance, we must see ourselves in the house we want to live, or  see the car we want to drive to let Universe attract whatever we want into our life. Believing is the passive step of creation. 


personal-development It is the last step. If you believe you have already received everything you wanted, then you will receive it. 

Receiving is the third step in creation, it is the result of active and passive creation. 

It's very important that you become an active in this process if you want to reach your goals. Get into the feeling of you already have whatever you desire. When opportunity comes your way you must act and grab it.

Creation is like a battery.

 Positive is active. Negative is passive. 

Connect both in perfect way, and you have a power.

All you have to do is to make balance of your words, actions and thoughts. You have to change disbelieving to believing, negative thoughts must change to positive thoughts. Base your actions, words and thoughts in positive believing, and the law of attraction will obey you! Know your desires, dreams and wishes, and stay only in pure positivity.

Focus on what you don’t want and you will get even more of it.
 Focus on what you want and that’s what you will get.

Our thoughts become things

Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning. – Mahatma Gandhi

It is true our thoughts create the things we want, it has huge attraction power to make things happen. People are dropping their thoughts, then our Universe takes thoughts up and after time it responds to people again by giving them what  they want.

But it is not only thoughts alone that cause the attraction process. Thoughts are very important, but also big role is playing our vibration. ENERGY. Everything is made of Energy in our Universe. Whatever we hear, see, taste, smell and touch is energy. 

Everything is energy. Energy is everything!

personal-development Every single thing on our planet has its vibration, different range of vibration. Energy is everywhere around us, all physical tangible and non tangible  objects around us are vibrating at different frequencies. The light has vibration, the sound has vibration, our bodies have vibration, our thoughts have vibration also. Everything in our Universe has its own unique vibration. This means that our thoughts and feelings have their own vibration too. Good  thoughts and feelings will carry good vibration, and bad thoughts and feelings will carry bad vibration.

Positive good vibration can be maintained by doing only things that will either raise or maintain our good vibration. All emotions that we consider to be good: happiness, love, joy, contentment, etc. - are signs that we’re in alignment with our desires.

Consistency is the key to our success. We should do whatever it takes for us to feel good every day. Every time we feel good inside, we are vibrating a pure positive energy that will attract back to us everything that we have desired.
 Our thoughts affect the way we feel, and our feelings change our vibration. 

Thoughts become things. Whatever we think, happens to us. Visualize your goal and you will get it. 
Who do you want to be?

Our words affect our thoughts. Our thoughts affect our emotions. Our emotions affect our vibration. Our vibration is what the universe hears.

Failure is NOT an option

Whatever you believe, with feeling, emotion and intensity becomes your reality because you always act on your beliefs.” ~Brian Tracy
  Keep believing in yourself! 
Remember your “WHY”. 
Visualize your destination. 
personal-development Wherever we are right now is only temporary. There will be obstacles, there will be ups and downs also. It’s all part of our journey. Any obstacle is only one more step to your success.

Successful people have absolute belief that they will succeed. No exceptions! They can feel it, they have no doubts that they can do whatever they need  to achieve goal. The possibility of failure doesn’t even enter their mind.

There is a huge difference between the way how thinks a rich person and how thinks a poor person. Person that is struggling and constantly complaining about how broke he is will never change his financial status. Successful people never walked around saying to others how broke they are and complaining about lack of money.

“Positive thinking can sometimes be wishing or hoping, but positive knowing is when you absolutely know that no matter what, you will be successful as long as you don’t quit.” ~Brian Tracy.

personal-development Change your beliefs about everything what is important for you. Think only positive. Changing how you think means to change who you are being. This is necessary to do if you want to change your life.

Our beliefs can serve us well or not serve us at all, it plays a huge role in whether or not we are going to succeed. A belief is simply a thought that we keep thinking over and over again. Talk yourself out of the negative thoughts and practice more on positive thoughts. 

Do you take risks and go after the things that you want? Or maybe you let the world pass by you? We can't experience success without failure, and each time we fail we are getting an opportunity for us to learn something that will bring us closer and closer to success.

personal-development Sometimes our limiting beliefs are holding us back from results we want to get. But if we get aware of this, then we can decide to begin form a new belief. The difference between those who succeed and those who fail is simple - how they see themselves. People who believe in their own success will surely succeed. But people who fear failure will be forever limited to the level of success.

We all have a set of limiting beliefs about what we can or can not do. What choices are we making that could expand our world and take us closer to our dream? We are who we are because of every experience we’ve had up to this moment. But right now, we can create new experiences that will change and shape our future.


Create your dream life

 There is no definite duration for when we actually feel the changes and the effects of practicing the Law of Attraction.  Everyone is different and have different beliefs and ideals that take part in LOA success. 

Just think about the Law of Attraction as about an empowering tool, when you feel like you’re going to start think negative, frustrating yourself to no end, remember the Law of Attraction and change your thoughts right away. You will be surprised how just in seconds you will start feel better and different.

Also, you have to be obvious sure in what you would like to attract with your plan to use positive thoughts. After you determine that, you need to give your full attention to it. Focus. Don’t keep switching your goals, maintain focus one goal at a time until you achieve it. We create our own reality. We attract those things in our life: money, relationships, employment - that we focus on. It is as simple as stating an affirmation, but affirmation will not work if your thoughts or feelings are negating the positive.

 The Law of Attraction is not easy to practice. 
It needs knowledge and understanding to make it work. 
It takes practice. It takes passion. 

 The Law of Attraction does work, you can use it today to make your life’s goals into reality. You can be successful. You can have everything in life that you’ve ever wanted.


 “What you have become is what you have thought.”


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