
March 15, 2015

Personal development

develop yourself


Personal development is nothing else but hard work and it takes your time, patience and consistency. If you are looking for how to make some shallow quich fix of your personality to improve your life, not really interesting in long lasting changes, then even do not read it, 
search for something other.


For reaching your goal you need


Keep trying - make it a rule for yourself and follow it always if you want to be successful at anything. Our success always is connected with our actions, so we should never stop moving towards our goal.

You of course will make mistakes, but should never quit. Hang on even if others have let go. Stay persinstent, and this means taking pains for overcoming your obstacles. Do all that will be necessary for reaching goals.

At the end, people who fail are those only that do not try.
Remember, all great achievements take time.



Do your best and make it RULE of your life

If you want to conquer success heights, you must have a rule to do your best, to make constant effort to be only first class in everything you are doing. Do always more than you are supposed to do and more than you have or can to do and with a time you will become everything you want.

Just do a little more than it is considered as average. If you go for it then your progress multiplies itself, depending on the effort you put into it. Do a little more than you think you can every single day. There for sure is best way for doing anything. Always. Just  find it.

True success comes from reaching success in little things. So, from now your trademark must be superiority. Always do only your best.

do your best


Starting point  of your success is DESIRE 

What contribute your goal reaching? First of all it is your desire to reach it badly enough. Your desire must have sufficient intensity, only then you will become successful. If your desire will be enough strong, you 
will have the power to achieve success.

You really can have everything you want in your life if only you go after it. If only you want it strong enough. You should wish it so strong

 as sinking soul desires air. 

Your desire should be intense, insistent and demanding. Your desire for success should be within you so strong that it must become like every breath of your life, it must be first thought after you wake up and the last one before falling asleep - your success.

Remember, you really can have everything you want
 if you go after it with intensity.

strong desire


You can do SOMETHING

Our life is large extent what we are making of it. We have the mold
 to our fortune and successful life in our hands. 

We can't do everything, but we can do something. We choose our thoughts and actions, so only we ourselves can find success. Nobody can do it for us and nobody will do it for us. And why they should? It is on us
 and we have to make it happen. 

If we take responsibility for your actions
 then we can live our dreams.

do something



It is our choice what we choose: success or failure. We alone are responsible for our life and it is we who shape it. If we understand this truth, nobody and nothing can deny our success. 

There is nothing what could stop us. Only we ourselves can do it. Realise that you are your own boss, and understanding this is more poverful than all sucess slogans ever written. You are your boss. 
Nobody can take out from you ultimate success, only you alone. Remember, if you want to be successfull person - you can be successfull.
success is choice


Be prepared for SUCCESS

Life is giving you countless opportunities, you will never come short of it. It is true, everyday we are presented with mass of chances to do
 and to become whatever we want. 

Be ready to meet your opportunity. Be prepared always and do not miss out an opportunity just because you was not prepared for it.
 Preparation is essential.

For achieving success, you need self discipline. Remember, if you are prepared - you are always in the right place and
 at the right time for to meet any opportunity.

Defeat your fear with ACTION

Do not fear anything in life. Recognize your fears and dare to face the things that scare you - open door to freedom. If you walk boldly through your fears, you will see how most of your obstacles will melt away. Don't cover your fears and do not  procrastinate, but make up your mind and deal with them.

Take steps you need and make positive changes for your life. Only acting you can fight your fears. If you wait, postpone or putt off, 

it only increase your fears. 

Remember, if you understood enough about your fears,

 you will never be afraid.

fight fears


Let changes to become POSITIVE PART of your life

Don't break when things are not going your way. Be secure to such degree that you would not fear accept changes. True security will come when you be able to bend your insecurity. 

Accept fact that changes are inevitable in our life. You will
feel secure not by standing in comfort zone, but by moving, growing, moving, and being energized. You will feel secure knowing that you can deal with everything what happens to you.

Be courageous to bet on your dreams and ideas. For that you have to take some calculated risks and go for your dreams. 

Remember, there is no permanent security for anyone on this earth,

 there is only opportunities.

positive changes


Motivational thoughts deliver VALUE

If you have to choose between getting something done and getting it perfect, then get it done. Your desire for perfection can't become excuse for never finish something what you started.

Just  manage time and resources that you have in best way you can. Even if you get not perfect results, it still brings great value for you. 

Perfection by all means must be your goal, but sure that it will not become your excuse. Always be true and go only for the highest standards that you can imagine, but at the same time you also must be
 realistic about what you are doing.

 Your majestic visions will be useless to you if it is not expressed in tangible form - even if you accomplish it not perfect, just go ahead
 and get it done as best as you can. 

To achieve ninety five percent of your imaginations is still much better than if you hold out and never get it done for hundred percent. 

Remember, even if it will not be done perfect and others will not like what you done - go ahead and deliver the value you can create for yourself.

create value



If it is possible to use some positive impulse for your life, then make it. First make your choice and go for some actions to bring some new and real positive value right away. Never wait for time
 when things get better than it is now. 

You can take it and make yourself and your life better. It is no matter what else may be going on, there is always more goodness within you than you think, and you are able to make true difference when you are giving some of this goodness to the world surrounding you. 

Even one your genuine positive action is able to change your day's dynamic. Think about how much more effectiveness could bring some impulse and just get busy to do something that could put it to your day.

Random circumstances will not bring you mercy, but you can readjust any situation, any event, any circumstance by virtue

 how you choose to look at it and live it.
"Take this day and live it in the best way you can imagine. Establish some powerful, positive momentum and let it carry you in the direction of your greatest dreams." Ralph Marston.

be better


Never say NEVER

There is no such situation where you could not have a chance to choose. You must stop to think about all those things that you can not do, instead better think about those things that you can really do. It does not matter what is the level you have of your abilities, you still have potential
 to go for things you want.

We all have powers we never dreamed about. We can do things that we never thought we could ever do. There are no any limitations to what we can do in our life. All these limitations are just in our mind and they

 forbid us from real actions.

Rememeber, the range of available choices for you right now is limitless. Always look at things as they could be. 

never say never

motivate yourself

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