
January 31, 2015

Achieve greatness of leadership

easy earn for life


To achieve greatness of leadership

 you must have a plan

Without good plan aspiration is just a dream. The plan materializes aspiration into reality. But before you can implement your plan, you must inspire those around you that they can reach the heights by following your plan. Inspire your team to achieve aspiration following your plan.

Aspire them to greatness.
Create a plan of path to get there.
Inspire your team to achieve the aspiration. 

But still, ultimately first of all you have to accomplish
 the plan if you want to reach your goal.

As a leader of the team, one of the primary goals most likely is to attract and keep people who would be motivated to work. There are five key traits which  can help you to become a such leader that people happy to follow
 and love working for.

easy earn for life Have a vision. We all have heard saying: "You must stand for something, or you'll fall for everything."

If you have not vision of what you are doing, why people should follow you? You can firm stand for company's procedures and policy, and all that is well, but it doesn't say that you  have a vision. If you are a leader, you must to learn to communicate vision of your company to those people who you want would follow you. 

easy earn for lifeHave a passion. Your followers need passion. In  fact, people are tend to go to the earth's end because of passion, people are tend to live and die for it. Remember those sailors who traveled with such great leaders as Christopher Columbus or Leif Ericsson for exploring  new undiscovered territories. The passion of leader inspired them to take very dangerous and new  challenges.

Passion is such a key part of being a great leader.  If you don't have passion, you simply will not become a great leader. You can recall all greatest leaders throughout the ages and try to name one who would not had passion.

The great thing is that passion is infectious: when you talk about your vision of the company, you should let your passion to shine through your vision. Others for sure will feel it and of course want to get on board with you. But if your vision lack  passion, you need to recreate it or reframe description of it in such way that it was connected to your passion.

great_leaderBe a great decision maker. How biggest decisions are made in your business? Do you have any process for to make them? For instance, do you talk to your management team and create a list of pros and cons to help you make the best decision?

Maybe you conduct a cost analysis. Or maybe you create a process, right timing of implementation strategy for decisions to make? Some leaders have settled process, others do not. But I guess, you don't want to be one of those leaders, who never consults anyone before making a decision, just simply announces changes the next day and then gets frustrated when people don't follow it. If you are one of such bad leaders, I hope you will implement a set process for future decisions.

great_leaderBe a team builder. Every great leader should develop his own great team or, one can say, well organized business machine. But how do you do that? You can start by simple step - handle off responsibility to your team and let them operate with it. Just be sure to make yourself available for them if questions or problems come up. Teach your team to make decisions and give them freedom to work through these decisions.

When any of your project still needs to get on track or any member of your team made mistakes, it is not good to start pointing fingers. This is a time when you must be there and inspire confidence to your employees. Let to know that you support them and you are always ready to help. Be ready to change plans if it is needed, and make new ones. During the crisis don't forget to keep your team's spirits up. If an emergency hits, you will be a tower of strength and endurance for your team.

Achieve greatness of leadershipHave a character. Without character, all other keys of how to be a great leader are for naught. You innate character's strengths and weaknesses play very important, critical role in style of your leadership. But you may even are not aware how important is your character.

Learn yourself. Get to know your character and use its features for best. Believe, all great leaders have studied  their personality and managed to use best parts of it in  their leadership style.   


There are three important traits of 

Great Leader to be showed:

Motive, Passion, Spontaneity.

Your purpose is your motive,  your big WHY of your life. It is WHY you want to be in charge of others lives. Passion is the fire that you project. 

great_leaderAll these three traits: motive, passion and spontaneity are complementing one another.  Spontaneity is just a glibness without purpose  and passion is just a hot air without purpose. Motive is just a silence without  passion and who can know what about you are thinking and feeling? Do you want to take there your team? 

Motivated, spontaneous and passionate leader can easy use these traits to build what all great leaders need. And this is trust. Trust is like a bond and the cause that links followers to the personality. A good leader knows when it is time for changes because he is very attentive to those around him.

A great leader, coming from a strength' position, takes risks to liberate creativity in his followers for to build their capability
 and multiply their talents.


A great leader must understand his current leadership style. 
This is essential. He needs to understand what are his strengths 
and which areas need fast improvements.




• Leader should be willing to grow. 
• Leader should work harder and smarter than anyone else. 
• Leader should always be grateful.  
Leader should always be selfless.  
Leader should never be satisfied. 
Leader should love everyone and everything. 
Leader should live right now. 
Leader should give his best all the times. 
Leader should think from the spiritual side, not from the matter. 
Leader should always look only upward and inward, but never outward. 
Leader should believe in the power of an idea. 
Leader should trust and know that all is well. 
Leader should never give up. 
Leader should live the dream.

Great leader starts every new day determined and committed 
to do what others are unwilling to do.

I do not remember who said that are three truths in people' life: first is the truth we think; second is the truth we want, and third is the truth that is.

great-leaderPeople want to believe that the truth they think and want, is existing, but this can't occur without incessant persistence, without proper direction, without genuine love of themselves and life, without honesty, passion and moral courage for what they are doing. 

When this turns out, the first two truths stop existing, because what we think and want we want  is what it is.

 “Not all progress is change, not all change is progress, but you can’t have progress without change.” Stuart Jenkins.
Always follow your heart and have passion about what you do and know why you do it. If you lack passion to lead yourself, then you will never be great to lead others. And to be a leader you can be only if you have followers. 

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