
September 14, 2017

Focus Is the Recipe for Success


Take any example of a successful person who has really reached success in the business field of his choice, and you will see that all of them have the same qualities. What are those qualities? They all have a clear goal, they work hard and have strong will to overcome all obstacles in their way to success.

But there is also one other quality that separates them from the rest people. It is their focus, their ability to focus attention on the goals that they have set once. The efforts are really important if you want to complete any task, but the focus is the main factor that determines how well you will accomplish your tasks, how quick you will succeed.  

The Value of Focus

To imagine what is the focus, just  remember the experiment you probably made being a child with a lens in order to cause the inter flow of the sun’s rays and how you watched in awe when a scrap of paper placed under the lens caught fire? This, precisely, is what the focus is all about.

When the sun's rays scatter everywhere, they could not have the ability to generate such strong heat causing flame, but using a lens for the focus the same sun rays and suddenly you get really magical results.

The same happens with your business. You can have even the greatest ideas, you may have the most brilliant plans, but without setting your sights clearly on what you want to achieve and without follow it through with true focus, you will not reach your goals.

How to Develop Your Focus

If you compare the focus with motivation or perseverance, it is often easier to develop. Focus does not require anything new to learn. You just must let go some of your habits that distract you from the most important thing - achieving your goal. 

What will help you to develop focus:

  • Stop Doing Too Much

How many activities you have throughout the day? List them all and try to look at each individually and think about do you really need to do it. If it is possible, pass on the task to someone else. Some things you may do simply as a matter of habit, and if they  do not contribute you in any meaningful way, simply stop doing them. Stop doing those things that are not an absolute necessity for you at the present moment. If you follow this advice, you will find it easier to focus on those tasks that really are most important.

  •  Prioritize 
Never blindly jump into getting any things done, but always pick the tasks that are most important. Make "to do" list and sort out your tasks arranging them according to how any task is urgent or important. Prioritizing tasks will help you avoid such activities that drain your energy and time. After you cut out something that was not important, you will find it easier to do things what you need to do in order to achieve your goal.

  • Get Rid of Distractions
Focus Sometimes very simple thing can divert our mind from necessary task and serve as a distraction: an interesting article we want to read, an e-mail from a friend or even a conversation in the office. Such distraction tends to make us lose not only our valuable time, but also our focus. 

So, we must take steps to keep any distraction away: put in order your desk, your computer and your home and you sure will find it easier to focus on the tasks. Take off the headphones to cut out distracting music, turn off the television and even your phone. Say to people that you will be busy and out for the next few hours and shut the door of your room. 

  • The Bottom Line

The wold around us is competitive and we believe that multi-tasking is essential for achieving success, but it can simply cause damage by draining us. The best choice is to stick to one goal at a time and work on achieving your one goal and only them move on to another one.

These simple steps can help you to improve your focus and you will find that your productivity increased.