
August 26, 2015

Litecoin faucets

free litecoins

Litecoin or LTC is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. Its creation and transfer is based on an open source protocol. Litecoin is not managed by any central authority. For mining Litecoin uses scrypt.

Litecoin was released via an open-source client on GitHub on October 7, 2011 by Charles Lee, a former Google employee. There are total 84 million of LTC.

Litecoins are traded primarily for fiat currencies and other cryptocurrencies, mostly on online exchanges. Payments in the Litecoin network are made to addresses, based on digital signatures - strings of 33 numbers and letters and such signature always begins with the letter L.

Destinyltc - claim 15 000 - 750 000 litoshis for free every hour. Also you can earn 10% from every referral's dispense. 

litecoin Cryptorials -  claim 22500 litoshi every hour for free. Also eaen 20% referral commissions.
22500 satoshi every 60 minutes.

moonliteco Moonliteco - You must wait at least 5 mins between claims.Refer your friends and everyone else to Moon Litecoin and recieve 25% lifetime commission on all their faucet claims!

There are plenty of faucets where you can claim free litoshi. Start any and you will find some other links for free litoshi.

August 8, 2015

Bitcoin Mining

Where from come Bitcoins? With the paper money everything is clear, government regulates their printing, but where from come bitcoins? 

People send bitcoins to each other over the bitcoin network all the time, but who would keep a record of all these transactions? Who would was able to keep track of who had paid what and how much? So, the bitcoin network collect all these coins transactions into a list, called a block. Bitcoin miners confirm all those transactions writing them into a general ledger. It is a long list of blocks, we call it a blockchain. 

When such block of transactions is created, Bitcoin miners put it through a process taking the information in the block and apply some kinnd of mathematical formula to it - it all turns into something else, far shorter, seemingly a random sequence of letters and numbers known as a hash. Hash is stored along with the block.

mine bitcoinsThere are few main categories of bitcoin mining hardware, and each of them are more powerful amd of course more expensive than the last one. But still using any of them, computing power chews up your electricity, and that costs a lot of money also.

Looks like a very complex process? Good thing that we do not need to know all these details, we do not need even to buy hardware for bitcoin mining, but we still can participate in Bitcoin mining process - there are few mining pools that you can join. 

 Bitcoin mining pool is a group of people that combine their computing power to make Bitcoins. The pool that I am involved in is Slush’s Pool,  but feel free to look at other options. For Slush Pool you can use mining program called GUIMiner. Install and run this program adding in your information from Slush’s Pool. Remember that your user name is actually the worker name. The worker name will be like this - username.worker ID,  and your password also will be from that worker ID.


Bitcoin Cloud Mining

Other way to mine bitcoins is to join cloud mining website. Cloud mining or, otherwise, cloud hashing allows users to form groups-pools, where their efforts are rewarded with greater income, if compare with individual mining with own equipment. There all Bitcoin mining is done in the cloud, with no offline hassle: electricity, hosting issues, installation and upkeep troubles. There everybody can earn some extra revenue with
 just a little or no risk at all.

bitcoin cloud mining Eobot - some says it is too slow, but it is still great choice for beginners. Eobot is easy, cheap and best cloud mining solution for those who just started. You can start just with  little $10 using PayPal, or invest earned free satoshi and other coins in free Faucets, buy cloud for mining and choose between any cryptocoins including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Redcoin, Peercoin, Namecoin, Feathercoin, NautilusCoin, Vertcoin... For those who has no any money or coins, there is Faucet where every day you can get some free coins (Products->Faucet). I would advice first to mine your cloud for some time to increase its spead, then only choose what the coins you want to earn and make your configuration there. So, yes, there is opportunity to start for free, use their own faucet, invest coins earned in other faucets and not invest any fiat money at all, but mining speed of course will not be very high. 

There are plenty of Cloud Mining websites: Genesis MiningZeusHash and many others, just search google and find most suitable for you. make good research as some of them are not paying. 

August 3, 2015

Best popular Bitcoins Faucets

join bitcoin faucets

With the growing popularity of Bitcoin as currency and Bitcoin mining, Bitcoin faucets became a way for increasing people' Bitcoin total and earn free Bitcoins.

What is actually a Bitcoin faucet? Bitcoin faucet allows you to visit a certain website, to perform a simple task, and be rewarded with a percentage of a Bitcoin - satoshi. 

If the Bitcoin mining is new for you, it is a great way to use a Bitcoin faucets to get yourself involved without getting too deep in the process. A Bitcoin faucet is very easy way to test Bitcoin waters and how you can earn Bitcoins for your efforts. All you need is internet access and a Bitcoin wallet and you are ready to earn Bitcoins.  

After you complete tasks, you get some free Satoshi sent to your Bitcoin wallet.
Just note that because of the small payouts, it can be quite time consuming to actually earn any Bitcoins. Many Bitcoin faucet sites allow to earn a payoutonly once a day, so you will have to return regularly on a daily basis.
Although you get just a small amount of coins, still it is free and with a time you add them more and more.